Advanced Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): Field Applications and Innovations


This course will provide advanced, hands-on training in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies, focusing on innovative solutions and their real-world applications. Students will not only learn from expert-driven modules but also participate in a field visit to a site that demonstrates best practices in DRR, such as a flood management system, a disaster-resilient community, or a research center focused on climate change adaptation.

Target Audience:

  • Disaster management professionals.

  • Policy-makers, urban planners, and environmental scientists.

  • Individuals with intermediate knowledge of DRR looking for hands-on experience.

Course Goals:

  • To explore advanced technologies in DRR such as AI, drones, and remote sensing.

  • To analyze disaster risk management policies, financing, and innovative approaches.

  • To offer exclusive real-world case studies and applications.

  • To provide hands-on experience through a 3-day field trip to a DRR site.

By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Apply cutting-edge technologies in disaster prediction and hazard mapping.

  • Conduct in-depth analysis of DRR policies and propose innovative solutions.

  • Use AI and drone technology to collect, analyze, and interpret disaster-related data.

  • Gain hands-on field experience by participating in workshops and assessments at a real DRR site.


    • 10 weeks to delve into advanced topics, engage in projects, prepare for the field visit, and conduct the trip without overwhelming students. The field visit could be planned towards the end of the course, serving as a capstone experience.

    • Weekly Commitment: 4 hours of online content, including interactive sessions, group projects, and assignments.

  • Enroll now for $1,200

  • Access the course materials and content for $1,500

  • Includes 3-day field trip with accommodations for $1,800
